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We all know how to loose weight by Dieting.  You have done that before! Probably many times? If that process worked, then you would not be looking at my website.

I will teach you how to think, act and become a Naturally Thin Person, Permanently, for the rest of your life, without ever dieting again.. No more Scales, No more counting Calories, No more weighing yourself or your food. No more feeling guilty about what you eat, and No more Fade diets to go on to ultimately go off of. No more talking about dieting all the time. No more feeling self conscious in a bathing suit or not wanting to shop for clothes and more.

The process will teach you the following:  

How the subconscious works.

How you learned to take in messages, from a very young age.

How you came to believe the things you do today.

How to listen and change your old negative beliefs about yourself & food.

How to give yourself positive self talk and affirmations.

How to do Self Hypnosis and Visualization.

How to rid yourself of Diet Mentality Thinking.

How to stop looking for the Magic answer.

How to take action toward your goals.

How to stop comparing yourself to others.

How to love yourself & your unique body.

How to become a "Natural thin person".

What you can expect to achieve in the beginning:

You will first be aware of a sense of Freedom and Power.  Free of guilt about what you eat and power over what used to be controlled by outside forces, other people and our diet industry. You will begin to notice more and more on how your body feels when it is truly hungry or satisfied. You may even find yourself enjoying the taste of food more than ever before. You will notice right away and become aware of how much self talk you really do that is or was negative and recognizing how it has effected your well being, self image and all aspects of your life.

Over a period of time: 

Becoming a Naturally thin person is a person who can eat anything they want and stay slim forever. Becoming a Naturally thin person can exercise or not and still be thin. Feeling powerful and "In Control" of your life, your eating and your thoughts and behavior.  Liking and loving yourself more than ever before. Having the confidence and self-esteem to achieve what ever it is you desire. Being more assertive about your wants and needs and better able to express yourself. Feeling freedom from the binds that held you.  Learn how to change other things in your life by using the same process.


"I become thinner and healthier each and every day!"


As I mentioned in my Bio on this website, my very first involvement with any type of Self Hypnosis was for Ice Skating when I was very young.  So I can tell you from first hand experience that this method of learning works! You too can improve your athletic skills, whether you are a beginner, a skilled amateur, or a professional.

The techniques that you will learn will help you develop the same confidence and motivation that enables professional athletes to achieve their goals for peak performances. Will power is not enough! You must learn to get in touch with the inner resources to determine what is holding you back from being the best you can be. You will learn what the motivating factor is to push you to your top performance that you are already capable of.  Motivation will replace fear and anxiety in situations where competition has kept you frozen or unable to push through.

If you are a professional athlete striving to achieve your fullest potential, a weekend golfer interested in improving your score or you may be a Runner interested in increasing your mileage, you too can learn and get in touch with a source of strength and excellence you never knew you had! You may even know that you have what it takes, but fear has kept you from getting that First place trophy.

There are many studies comparing the difference between practicing your sport in your mind, seeing yourself doing it perfectly vs. only practicing physically. The results historically and emphatically always come back in favor of the "Positive imagery players" achieving much more than just the physical performers. You can be the best of the best! Start Now..


"I am a strong, competitive athlete. My body flows with enthusiasm as I accomplish my goals of peak performance. I now see myself doing it perfect every time."


The human mind is so large, that it could not be filled in an entire lifetime. We are capable of remembering everything we have ever seen, heard, or experienced. We can also recall almost any information we desire to remember. "Desire" is the key word.

Hypnosis can be an aid to increasing a variety of behaviors like improving memory, comprehension, and concentration for now or a later date. The process that I teach can help you relax. Relaxation will allow you to better direct your attention and thoughts so you can study and or remember what you have studied.

Feelings of self confidence, successful accomplishment and self improvement will be raised. You can expect to have increased motivation to complete projects by eliminating fear of judgment or inadequacy. You can learn how to have a "Photographic Memory". Material that has been read, will be stored away in a mental filing cabinet, so that when needed, it will be there, just waiting to be called upon or used.

If you are a Writer, you can gain enthusiasm once again. New thoughts and ideas will begin to flourish. Creativity that was once blocked, will be able to flow from your subconscious to your paper effortlessly.


"I have a photographic memory. Whatever I see or read can be called upon and used whenever I need it."


Smoking, Drinking, Drugs or Nail Biting, etc. are all Physical and Emotional habits.  So you must change the physical reaction and mental attitude.  Many habits are a replacement for something and were initially started due to a feeling of lack, anxiety, fear, guilt, inadequacy, rejection, nervousness, poor self confidence or just being uncomfortable around most people. You may not even be aware of how it began in the first place or remember the underlining reason.

Therapy for addictions and habits are vital to reinforce suggestions for physical and mental well-being. New habits and beliefs must take over completely. Seeing yourself as an ex-smoker or seeing yourself as an ex-drinker will be your new self image. Seeing yourself calm and at ease in most situations and feeling comfortable with your body movements are achieved with the proper therapy and misdirection.

It is a process. It is a challenge, but you can do it.. You can be the person you really want. You can change. Now is the time.!


"I now choose to see my own self-worth. I love and approve of myself. I am at ease."



Many Fears are an outcome or extension of the fear of “impending danger”. This state or feeling usually shows itself as anxiety or panic. Most of the time it is a feeling of being “out of control”. This feeling is very common among young children, but is consistently recognized as adults.

Fears and Phobias can hold you back from taking action, participating in events and/or can just case uncomfortable situations that can manifest and grow over time. Everyday life circumstances can trigger this irrational thinking and threaten your well being.

There may be only one cause or a combination of situations that created the first negative feeling.


Fear of flying

Fear of the dark

Fear of dying

Fear of being alone

Fear of swimming

Fear of driving or allowing someone else to drive

Fear of heights or falling

Fear of tight places-or Claustrophobic

TREATMENT:  Try and find and be aware of how the fear/phobia was created and the general cause of it. The symptom may be apparent, but the cause may be unknown. Most likely it was a continuous learning process not one traumatic affair. Hypnosis intervention can help diminish the anxiety and reaction associated with the fear.


"I now look forward to tomorrow and move comfortably in the direction with ease"


Relationships come in all forms.  Personal and Professional.  

But the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. .

How do you see yourself?

How do you see others or judge others?

How do you relate to others in business or in personal intimate situations?

Do you feel comfortable expressing your feelings?

Do you look directly into peoples eyes when discussing an interesting subject?

Do you feel that people are critical of your appearance or are you of theirs?

Are you comfortable in group situations?

Are you a good conversationalist?

How do you feel about your appearance or when attention is drawn to your physical body?

Do you ever have jealous feelings that are hard to deal with?

Do you attract the highest and best people or do you always attract the same type of person that is not good for you?

How you communicate with others and how you take in suggestions is key in determining what works for you. I am sure you have heard that saying that "there are only 2 emotions, Love and Fear"?  Well that statement is very true.. Everything falls under one of those categories.

I will work with couples on creating more solid loving relationships. I can work with you personally to develop skills to be able to have a loving long lasting relationship, if that is what you desire, or lets just talk about the relationship you have with yourself and how you feel in your own skin....


"I love and approve of myself... I deserve the highest and best people in my life Now!"

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