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Pam, is the best hypnotherapist in town. I highly recommend her in all fields of hypnotherapy. Her calm, casual approach makes you feel so comfortable, which in turn, leads to positive results.

Eric Smith-Gunn, Writer, Producer, Director - Enfuego Entertainment

I've used Pam's Services for Hypnosis. Due to my traveling, I was only able to get in a few sections. My first meeting with Pam was in the beginning of October 2012. I was at a starting weight of 188 on a 5'3" frame. On January 15th. I weighted in at 159. One pound shy of 30 lbs. lI still have 20 more lbs to go. By following Pam's rules it has been the easiest weight lost plan I've ever done
Thank you Pam

Pagona Spetsiotis Kubert

Pam hypnotized me when I had to take a plane flight to Seattle. I hadn't flown in years and was afraid. After the session, I got on the plane and I had no anxiety and made it through my flight with no problems! Thank you Pam for your help.

 Julie Anne

"As a psychotherapist, I may need to refer my clients to other professionals to preform services that are out of my scope. My "go-to" Hypnotherapist is Pam Meisl. These clients had shared with me that they had a truly incredible experience with her and that they received the benefits they were seeking. They described Pam as knowledgeable, warm, encouraging and compassionate.

Recently, I reached out to Pam for hypnosis to deal with my lack of motivation to study for an upcoming exam. I was also concerned with my lack of focus, retention and concentration. She spent time talking about my issue and uncovering some road blocks that were standing in my way. Pam was sensitive, caring and compassionate while I recounted some painful memories. Upon completion of the session I felt very clam and relaxed. Pam finished up by giving me some exercises and tools to deepen the positive suggestions she installed during the hypnosis. The next day I experienced an increased motivation to dive into my studies. As well, during my exam, I experienced a sense of calm (while everyone else was freaking-out) and a laser-like focus and concentration; able to recall all the information that I had studied.

If you are ready to face those unwanted behaviors and patterns or negative beliefs, I would highly recommend Pam for an incredible hypnotherapy experience."

Rebecca Kahane, Marriage and Family Therapist

El Segundo, California

Nick is doing great at his tournaments.  He reviews all those keywords you gave him and it has been good for him.

Appreciate your help.,  Susie Zorkocy, Mom

If your life revolves around the fear of food, the fear of what pants you might not fit into today, then call Pam.
Unlike my size 2 friends in high school, I struggled with my weight. Although I wasn't severely overweight, I never felt comfortable in ANYTHING I wore and had major loathing of my body.
One day I noticed my sister (who also struggled with weight) getting thinner and thinner. Every time I saw her, she was eating a brownie or a hot fudge sundae. Finally I asked, “What the heck are you doing!? She began to talk to me about Pam and the power of the mind. The next week at 19 years old, I was sitting across Pam her in her office.
Pam showed me how much we are all brainwashed with diet mentality and fear. She helped me totally reprogram my beliefs about my body and about food.
The process felt easy and completely liberating. Within ONE WEEK of practicing Pam's techniques, three people asked me if I had lost weight. And I had! I was eating things like pound cake and losing weight. I seriously thought I was dreaming. At 19, I was 143 pounds. Two weeks later I was 135.
Twenty years later and a mother of two, I am 118 pounds. I have stayed this way for 20 years. (Another myth to debunk.) But beyond the weight, I have a life that is not ruled by food. I no longer live in a world of unconscious thoughts that don't serve me. Once Pam teaches you this you will have it forever.
You will not find a more effective, more refreshing, more freeing approach to arriving at your natural body weight. I am forever indebted to my friend, Pam Meisl.

Angela M.

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